Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wrench Monkey. Vol - 1

So somewhere along the way, both my rear signal lights stopped working. The little brass connector thingy fell off - so I re-stripped the wire and reattached it. Then I reconnected the wire to where I assumed it went and presto!... umm.. Only the right one works. After a few jiggles - both lights quit all together. Hmmm, I may have grounded the one light by accident. Today's Lesson? Never assume anything with electrical wiring. I need to figure this out pronto, because honestly? Hand signals at 120 down the DVP isn't one of my greatest ideas...

My right muffler still runs way hotter than my left, which could mean a variety of things. A cpl cylinders runnin too rich/too lean...blah, blah, blah. What's strange is that all headers run equally hot which (again assumptions here) should mean all cylinders are runnin fine. It's only when i touch the muffs (hehe) do I notice a disparity in temp.

One of the right axle nuts is damp with oil. Wouldn't be a problem, if all four retaining nuts were oily, but nope, it's just the one. Which means, something, somewhere is leaking. (sigh) The primary suspect is the right front fork, since now, when i go over any major bumps, a previously unheard rattle emits from up front. Hopefully, when i rebuild the front brake this weekend, I can tackle and solve this problem as well

Leaky nuts, cool muffs, screwed up wiring, bouncing tach needle... sometimes, when faced with lists like this, I daydream about one of these , or these - in all their new-world-technology glory. But when it comes down to it, I really wouldn't have it any other way - because, let's face it, can this beast really be my 'beau' if she dosen't cause me at least a little grief??


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Deux Roues Mayhem

Yes, I finally got myself a two-wheeled, rip roarin, ton-up machine, but that doesn't mean I've lost my affinity for fixed.

I've just got to remember to stop looking at my (non-existent)side mirror when whipping around on le bicyclette.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


In case you've been wondering why the hell I haven't been posting much of late, I'll fill you in.
I've been a little busy with this:


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

To the Rest of You:

"Next girl, will be nothing like my ex-girl(s)..."

Leave it to The Black Keys to get me posting again.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Went last night to check out the new Alice in Wonderland flick by Burton. My opinion of the flick? Well, when the clip below was the highlight of the entire cinematic experience, you can surmise what I thought of the main attraction...

My anticipated film of the year, bar none. Oh,and to boot? The soundtrack and score produced by Daft Punk.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This Too Shall Pass.

We all know these lads from that brilliant treadmill video (and if you don't, follow that link pronto). Well now, these same guys have gone above and beyond, upped the ante, and produced an equally amazing - if not better - music video. Peep it below - it's just too damn good to miss. And the title? Just as equally, brilliantly fitting to those who know...

(You can also catch the inspirational source video here.)

Friday, January 22, 2010

This Old Game.

It’s raining and you’re home early because the night is finally over. But your phone keeps buzzin'. They want you to come back out. You’re still half dressed and the alcohol is running through your veins, but you know the night is done. You’re sure of it. It’ll only be cocaine and some weird iPod mix if you go back now. It'll only be empty introductions and people hanging out in their precious, little too-cool-for-school cliques. Out of boredom you’ll hook up with some pretty young thing that you’ve never met before - Someone witty that you started a conversation with - Someone flashy, whose outfit is on-point - You always do. You guys will be in the roomate-that’s-gone-for-the-weekend’s room/kitchen/bathroom and you guys will be makin' out and you’ll notice that her makeup will have mostly come off and that she's starting to look her age. But by then she’s already topless and she’s trying to be "all woman”; trying to “take control”. She's doing things that she learned from her long-term, ex-boyfriend - who had it all wrong. You tune out and you're thinking: “Really? This again? I wonder if the sun's up yet?” and feel the sudden crash from the realization that This. Is. Not. It. The cab driver will have just started his shift when you hail him, and in the back seat you will try and rationalize that this is really “living” after all, and that those highschool bullies, now with their overweight wives and bratty kids, wish they were in your shoes right now. But none of that really matters, because when you get home your bed feels oh-so good. It hugs you into your passageway of sweet, blissful sleep. And thank God it’s raining and you’re home early because the night is finally over. But your phone keeps buzzin'. They want you to come back out. You're still half dressed and the alcohol is running through your veins, but you know the night is done.

Excerpt from ‘L.E.S. Artistes (The Cassius Kent Memoirs)’